Accounting for Inventory (Canadian GAAP)

Develop your knowledge on inventory under Accounting Standards for Private Enterprises (ASPE) under Canadian GAAP.

Limited Time COVID-19 Half Price Special

$99   $49 USD

$179  $79 USD

Inventory Measurement

Learn how to calculate the cost of inventories on initial recognition.

Inventory Costing.

We’ll review different methods of calculating inventory cost.

Inventory Costing

We’ll review different methods of calculating inventory cost.

Inventory Valuation

Understand how to value inventory and test for impairment.

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Trusted Experience from the World’s Top Companies

Full Course Outline

Part 1: Introduction to Revenue and Related Party Transactions under Canadian GAAP
Part 2: What is Inventory?
Part 3: Inventory Measurement
Part 4: Inventory Valuation
Part 5: Inventory Costing Part
Part 6: Inventory By-Products Part
Part 7: Inventory Allocation of Fixed and Variable Overhead Part
Part 8: Inventory Disclosures
Part 9: Inventory Metrics

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